In the beginning was the water. In it is the origin of all life. Water envelops and supplies us even as an embryo and remains our most important companion. Human body cells consist of up to 75 percent water, which contains enzymes and nutrients without which we could not exist. The liquid wet is the fuel of our metabolism and our brain. It regulates the transport of vitamins and trace elements, and makes us look good when we drink enough of it.

Water Lives Faucet

When it comes to our dependence on water, we even resemble the planet we live on. Water covers about 70 percent of the earth and shapes oceans, landscapes and mountains. Among the peoples of the earth, water is considered precious and a gift from God. This is because no matter whether people live at the North Pole or in the desert, they lose at least two liters of fluid a day, even if they move very little. The body cannot store water, and we lose half a liter a day through breathing alone. We release another liter through the skin. In hot weather, the amount is correspondingly more.

Following the doctrine of the four elements, being consists of the elements fire, water, earth, air. The water has a very special symbolism. It stands for the life always in movement, for clarity and wisdom. It is soft and mobile and when it flows, it takes the path of least resistance. And yet it is the strongest force on the planet, for it permeates all other elements and changes them over time. Water provides a slow but lasting change. The combination of gentle and strong, the loosening and dissolving of structures, and the stillness in movement makes water a symbol of the end and renewal of life. "The soft overcomes the hard," it is said, and in its capacity as a barrier-breaker, it remains a symbol of the inner and outer liberation of all living things.

In daily life, water is a constant companion. Mindestens zwei Liter sollte man trinken, bei Hitze und körperlicher Anstrengung einen Liter mehr.
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Autorin: Ulla Jacobs

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)